Learn more about how personal training can help you stick to your New Years resolutions! 

The New Year is always filled with new goals and new expectations for the year to come but did you know that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February! During the first few months of the year, signups at fitness centers and health clubs tend to trend upward however, attendance steadily drops after the month of January. One of the best ways to beat the odds this New Year is by finding something that can hold you accountable to your goals. 

The personal training program at the Campus Recreation Complex (CRC) is personally tailored to each patron’s specific needs and goals. Do you want to run a 5K? We can help you get there. How about increasing your personal record (pr). We can help you reach that too. The CRC has nine trainers of varying levels and specialties available to hold you accountable, set workout plans, and help you stick to your resolutions.

Here are four reasons why personal training is for you:

Learn the proper technique and avoid injury.

Our personal trainers are experienced professionals with diverse backgrounds who will teach you the proper form and technique to use during your workout so you can stay safe and injury-free.

Reach your desired results faster.

Having a personal trainer to customize your workouts and keep track of your progress will help make sure you are spending time on the proper types of exercise.  Your time is valuable and a personal trainer will make sure your gym time is time well spent.

Overcome fitness plateaus.

Do you ever feel like you are facing a fitness hurdle you just can’t overcome? When you hit a plateau in your exercise routine, it can be hard to stay motivated.  A personal trainer can help you understand why you hit a plateau and find ways for you to work through it and continue seeing results.

Create a lifetime healthy habit.

Personal trainers can help you find ways to form healthy habits and incorporate them into your everyday life. They find ways to overcome fitness obstacles that might prevent you from exercising, and help you set achievable goals.

Rise above the 80% with a fitness plan that not only holds you accountable to make it into the gym but takes the guesswork out of what you are going to do once you get there.  We offer one-on-one, buddy or group training all semester long. If you are committed to sticking to your New Year’s resolution this year then go to crc.gatech.edu/training to learn more.