These courses offer diverse instructional programming, including martial arts and yoga. Please visit for registration.  Registration is required for attendance. These course's skills build weekly so participants will benefit most from regular attendance. 

Prices vary by course.

NEW SPRING 2024 - Yoga for Athletes

Athletic yoga combines yoga, core work, mobility drills, breath-work and stretching, and more to conform to the needs of the athlete at-hand. As every athlete knows, a huge part of the game is mental, and yoga can help with your mental strength, too. It's also known to help as a form of pain management, which can be very beneficial in sports. For best results, try to practice yoga at least three times a week.

This class will benefit the following athletes: included but not limited to soccer, tennis, golf, volleyball, basketball, football, etc.  Athletes of all backgrounds and abilities welcome!

Instructor: Teesha

Tuesdays 12:00-12:45 pm in Studio A

Session 1: January 9 - February 20

Session 2: Feb 27 - April 16

NEW SPRING 2024 - Yin Yoga

Yin yoga can be thought of as the deep tissue massage of yoga. The poses you’ll move through in a yin class help to release physical tension and unblock stagnant energy being held in the body.

Yin specifically seeks to target the connective tissue of the body through long, slow holds of cooling poses that allow it to expand over time.

While all forms of yoga promote flexibility, and help to decrease tension, Yin takes it to another level by allowing for more time to be spent in each pose which promotes a deeper stretch. This is different than what is typically experienced in an active yoga class where students may only be in a pose for a few breaths. Yin yoga holds the posture for a longer period. 

Instructor: Teesha

Thursdays 12:00-12:45 pm in Studio A

Session 1: January 11 - February 22

Session 2: February 29 - April 18

Muay Thai Kickboxing

Muay Thai Kickboxing, sometimes referred to as Thai boxing, is a combat sport that uses stand-up striking, sweeps, and various clinching techniques.  This discipline is known as the "Art of eight limbs," as it is characterized by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees, and shins.

Muay Thai Kickboxing has become very popular due to the fact that for many it is the #1 stand up fighting style seen in Mixed Martial Arts today.

Muay Thai Kickboxing can help anyone become a better fighter as well as get in great shape while also learning self-defense tactics that will help you in facing real-life encounters.  

Instructor: Troy

Tuesday/Thursday 6:00-7:00 in Studio C

Session 1: January 9 - February 22

Session 2: February 27 - April 18 

Krav Maga - Beginner

Krav Maga (pronounced "Krahv mahGAH") is an effective, modern, and dynamic self-defense and fighting system.  It is designed to be practical and intuitive for people of any age or body type.  The techniques expand on your natural instincts to develop skills quickly and effectively, while enabling you to address attacks under any scenario.  You will learn how to defend yourself while gaining increased awareness and instinctive reflexes.

The Krav Maga you will learn at GT is unique in that we go beyond just learning physical techniques, but we also cover other essentials of campus safety/self defense such as: situational awareness, identifying potential threats, evasion & avoidance, and trusting your instincts and intuition.  

Instructor: Troy 

Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00-8:00 pm in Studio C

Session 1: January 9 - February 22

Session 2: February 27 - April 18 

Krav Maga - Advanced

Krav Maga (pronounced "Krahv mahGAH") is an effective, modern, and dynamic self-defense and fighting system.  It is designed to be practical and intuitive for people of any age or body type.  The techniques expand on your natural instincts to develop skills quickly and effectively, while enabling you to address attacks under any scenario.  You will learn how to defend yourself while gaining increased awareness and instinctive reflexes.

The Krav Maga you will learn at GT is unique in that we go beyond just learning physical techniques, but we also cover other essentials of campus safety/self defense such as: situational awareness, identifying potential threats, evasion & avoidance, and trusting your instincts and intuition.  

*Please note participation in at least one previous semester of Krav Maga is required before taking the Advanced section. Thank you.

Instructor: Troy 

Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00-8:30 pm in Studio C

Session 1: January 9 - February 22

Session 2: February 27 - April 18 


We blend Traditional Hapkido with the best concepts from Jujitsu, Judo, Wrestling and the weapon based arts. Hapkido is a "soft" Korean martial art that includes wrestling, kicks, strikes, throws, self-defense, weapons and sparring. A realistic view of self-defense is stressed. Being adaptable, Hapkido is well suited for both men and women of any size. With an emphasis on ‘redirection of force’, Hapkido allows students of all shapes and sizes to excel. Whether for fitness, self-defense or fun, Hapkido strengthens the body, focuses the mind, and awakens the spirit. Beginning students receive special tutelage in the basic skills necessary for them to be safely and quickly integrated into the class.

Instructor: Hung

Monday/Wednesday 7:00 - 8:30 pm in Studio C

January 8 - April 17


Taido is a Japanese martial art featuring a three-dimensional approach to movement. We emphasize changing the body’s axis to avoid attacks while countering simultaneously. Taido’s spinning, twisting, and tumbling techniques adapt to situations in real time by adjusting the spatial relationship with the opponent.

Instructor: Lacy

Monday/ Wednesday 8:45 - 10:15 pm in Studio A

January 8 - April 17