National Have Fun at Work Day is January 28th.  Learn from student staff about what makes the CRC a great place to work! 

At the Georgia Tech Campus Recreation Complex (CRC) we try to make the little things as fun as they can be,” said second-year Industrial Engineering major, Sophia Chapar. 

National Have Fun at Work Day is January 28th.  At the CRC, every day is spent having fun at work. We interviewed various student staff to learn why they love their jobs at the CRC and the qualities that make this a fun work environment.

CRC employees enjoy the people they work with. Rimaz, a fourth-year Biochemistry major remarked, “I feel like everyone who is hired by the CRC are just great people to work with and are really friendly. It makes coming to my job a fun time.” Adeline Thomason, a fourth-year Architecture major feels that working at the CRC “is a cool way to meet people”, as she enjoys the people in her department and does not know that they would have crossed paths if it had not been for the CRC. That sentiment is also shared by Jing, a student from Georgia State who has worked for the CRC for a year. She felt that even though she attends another school, “I have so many people who I can relate too”.

Not only is the CRC a place to connect with other employees, but it also gives students the chance to connect with others on campus, who they do not get to see on a regular basis. In the words of Thomason, “working at the CRC is a good way to stay connected with the campus community without going out of my way.” For Chapar, her favorite aspect of working at the CRC is “seeing all of the people come in because the people who are coming to work out are generally in a good mood.” The CRC is a place for students to get healthy, and a place for employees to connect with new people.

For Chanhee Lee, a third-year Computer Science student, his favorite part about being a CRC employee is “the variety in scheduling and the positions at the desk. If you wanted to focus on the work you have, then you can work upstairs, but if you want to socialize a little bit, you have someone to work with downstairs.” Thomason also enjoys flexible scheduling, as “I get to plan ahead for everything or get shifts covered in advance, so I am never stressed at the last minute.” The CRC allows students to plan ahead and stay on top of both their job and their schoolwork.

 If you are interested in learning more about employment opportunities at the CRC, go to