Have you ever wondered how the CRC stays running? Get to know one of the faces behind the scenes, operations manager, Rod Bolden. 

You may have seen Campus Recreation Complex (CRC)  operations manager, Rod Bolden replacing light bulbs or working with contractors in the building. Bolden not only keeps the lights on but he makes sure every nook and cranny of the CRC is in top notch shape. His dedication to the CRC spans over 10 years and he has enjoyed every minute of it! Check out his take on how the CRC continues to change and why he and his team are always on call to provide the best service for all patrons.     

Where did you go to school?

I graduated from a liberal arts school called Spring Hill College, located in Mobile Alabama. 

You have been at Tech for over 10 years, how have you seen the CRC transition and progress through the years?  

I have seen it improve in so many areas. From upgrading fitness equipment, building Stamps Field, to sustainability improvements. Our technology continues to improve providing better services for the many students and patrons that utilize our facility on a daily basis.

What does your role as an operations manager entail?  

I wish there were a start and an end to this job, but primarily my job is to make sure the building is functional 24 hours a day. From replacing light bulbs to ensuring contractors are adhering to the scope of the project they are responsible for. The operations team is here to make this a great place to be. 

What is your favorite part about working at the CRC?  

That is easy. Seeing the daily faces of our patrons and students. I may be a little prejudice when I say this, but I have never met so many young kids that are so wonderful in all my life. To me, students “learn” to be smart, but they are “taught” to be polite and respectful.  That part of them I see and enjoy seeing on a daily basis. The Adults/Patrons that come into this building are very friendly and kind. It is amazing seeing them on a daily basis and as you get to know them, you learn that this is so much more for their lives than just a gym. 

What is something CRC patrons would be surprised to know about the CRC building and operations?  

We never sleep...when there is a problem in the building, operations get the information the same day. One Sunday I got a text while I was in church and had to leave the service to call a facility staff member who was also at home, to contact the gas company ...on a Sunday morning!  There are no days off, like my director (Michael Edwards) likes to say “we are like an airport” we are open 7 days a week. When there is a problem, no matter what day it is, it is “all-hands-on-deck” from the building supervisors to operations and sometimes facilities, until the problem is resolved... I mean everyone, is really going at a breakneck pace to resolve issues. 

What have you learned through your time here?  

I have learned that there has to be patience in the process.  In operations, funding is a process that you learn to be patient about. However, that does not stop us from getting all of our pieces together prior to, so when the funding comes in, we are ready to go!

What is your favorite campus spot and why?   

This may sound corny, but I LOVE watching the band practice in the evenings at Stamps Field. It reminds me of my high school days at my school in the evenings. On a beautiful sunny day on Stamps Field, you can see all these beautiful different cultures enjoying their time together. I love what this field brings to campus. 

What do you like to do when you aren’t at Georgia Tech? 

I like playing golf in my spare time and I love to travel with my family. 

How do you think the CRC fosters health and well-being for Georgia Tech?  

We live it first. You shouldn’t work at Krispy Kreme and not like doughnuts. Once you live and embrace it, promoting or encouraging others to use this facility is easier.  We have a great product that stands against any facility in the country.  We have tremendous programming services here as well as our incredible outdoor recreation program, which has reached all 7 Continents in the past 7 years! How would you like to swim in a pool where Olympians swim?  We believe so much in this facility, we use it just as much…People are truly committed to making sure that you do your best to achieve your goals, reduce your stress and most of all, dedicate themselves to trying to make sure you have a better day…I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!