
Year/major: Graduate Student, Economics
Position: Intramural Supervisor
How long have you worked at the CRC?
First year, 2nd semester
What is your favorite about working at CRC?
I like seeing people improve and develop a passion for the work they do. It is really fun seeing people come from a baseline where they have limited knowledge to where I can put them on any game they want and they are going to service that game in an excellent manner. They are able to step back and say, yes, I am proud of this game.
What your supervisor has to say about you?
Dawson was promoted to the intramural supervisor position and has done an incredible job for us! He stepped up to help facilitate our basketball trainings for new officials and has volunteered to lead additional trainings throughout the season. As an experienced basketball official, he has been a great resource for those wanting to learn more about the sport. Dawson is also a model employee: he comes to each of his shifts on time, prepared, and with a positive attitude. He has certainly been busy with the hours he works at the CR and his school obligations, but you would not notice on the courts. Finally, Dawson exemplifies WE R CRC by being welcoming and building rapport with all of the intramural participants.

Year/major: 1st Year, Psychology
Position: Member Services Specialist
Clifton Strengths: Input, Futuristic, Includer, Restorative, Significance
How long have you worked at the CRC?
Since August 2023
What is your favorite about working at CRC?
I really enjoy talking to people and helping them with their problems and it is great to get to do that for my job. It is always nice to be the first desk people go to when they need help. I have to know what everyone can do and am able to help them out so that they have the best experience here.
What your supervisor has to say about you?
“Haley is very effective and committed to helping both her coworkers/team and members. She just started working as a first year this August and has quickly become very knowledgeable and one of the most helpful employees on our team! Haley is flexible and helps wherever help is needed; she even tells new employees to message her if they have any questions before she leaves a shift. She has also done a great job enforcing patron policies in a friendly and understanding way. Haley is a tremendous employee who I can rely on and I’m lucky to have her on the Member Services team!” – Priscilla Gaona (Member Services Coordinator)

Year/Major: 5th Year Atmospheric Science Major
Position: Outdoor Recreation Specialist, Wilderness Outpost Attendant, LCC Facilitator
Clifton Strengths: 1. Consistency 2. Analytical 3. Discipline 4. Adaptability, and 5. Responsibility
How long have you worked at the CRC?
2 years
What is your favorite about working at CRC?
My favorite part of working at the CRC is getting to work behind the scenes helping to organize gear and information for ORGT IP trips and expeditions. We have such a great group of people working at ORGT and I always enjoy getting to see everyone! Helping with first year orientation expeditions is probably my favorite part of the job too.
What your supervisor has to say about you?
“Audrey is amazing, she has become one of the most invaluable members of the Outdoor Recreation team. She juggles so many roles on our team; serving as a Lead Facilitator for the LCC, picking up regular shifts at the Wilderness Outpost, filling in as the Outpost Manager proxy in times of need, and most recently, serving as our Office Manager. If there’s a task that needs specialty attention, Audrey gets it done. Examples of recent projects she’s been a part of are numerous, but include executing a renovation of the ORGT admin cage area to ensure expedition equipment is organized to support first year orientation programs, re-inventing our emergency device checkout process for weekend IP trips and expeditions, and assisting in management of the petty cash reconciliation process during ORGT’s busiest time for expedition programs. Her organizational skills are undeniable, her impact to this program is significant, and her bubbly personality and sense of humor bring joy to everyone she works with. When Audrey graduates, she leaves behind some big shoes to fill!” – Tyler Joing (Expeditions & Adventures Coordinator)

Year/Major: 3rd Year Biology
Position: Aquatics Supervisor
Clifton Strengths: 1. Consistency 2. Analytical 3. Discipline 4. Adaptability, and 5. Responsibility
How long have you worked at the CRC?
2 years
What is your favorite about working at CRC?
My favorite part of working at the CRC is getting to know all the chill vibers that make the CRC atmosphere what it is today. My favorite memory was being the 4man for lifeguard boat building team in the Cardboard Boat Race to help our pilot, engineers, and builders achieve victory in the competition.
What your supervisor has to say about you?
“Skylar is one of the most valued members of the Aquatics team. He started during the much-needed time of staffing – winter break – and took everything thrown at him in stride. He always maintains a level of coolness no matter what is happening around him. Over the summer, Skylar joined the ranks of Aquatics Supervisors and quickly became a seasoned professional. ” – Laura Liz Bryan (Aquatics Coordinator)

Major: Computer Engineering
Position: Head Camp Counselor & Competitive Sports Office Manager
Clifton Strengths: 1. Developer 2. Learner 3. Intellection 4. Positivity, and 5. Empathy
How long have you worked at the CRC?
1.5 years
What is your favorite about working at CRC?
My favorite part of working at the CRC is getting to run around with kids all summer. I loved planning activities and seeing how excited they would get when we did them. Since this summer was my second year of camp, I really loved seeing repeat families come back and how those kids have grown and developed over the last year. It’s been a joy to watch the kids who came back week after week come of our their shell, and see them have a blast as camp. I’ve loved working for the Competitive Sports area with camp, so I decided to stick around as an office manager!
What your supervisor has to say about you?
“Milly has been doing an awesome job as one of our head counselors the second half of summer camp. They have been responsible for making the weekly schedule as well as coordinating field trips for our campers. I could not have made the rest of the summer as fun for the campers without their help. They are great at communicating with parents when Ben or I are not able to help them. Milly is respected by all counselors and campers and is one of the main reasons we have run so smoothly.” – Abby Harvey (Competitive Sports Coordinator)

Year/Major: 5th Year Mechanical Engineering
Position: Head Camp Counselor & Aquatics Supervisor
Clifton Strengths: 1. Developer 2. Learner 3. Intellection 4. Positivity, and 5. Empathy
How long have you worked at the CRC?
3 years
What is your favorite about working at CRC?
My favorite part of working at the CRC is getting to know all of my amazing coworkers and hanging out for paydays! My favorite memory was drawing “water posters” for Wild West Day at camp. All of the kids were so excited for me to read their Wanted Posters in a silly, dramatic, voice and it was really sweet to see them all proud of what they made and wanting to share it with me, even if they were a little shy and unsure at first.
What your supervisor has to say about you?
“Caitlin has been doing an awesome job as our head counselor this summer. She really has a great handle on the day to day at camp giving pro staff needed office time. Caitlin loves getting to know our campers and their parents. Since this is her third summer at camp she’s been building great relationships with our repeat families and making all new campers feel welcome and safe at camp. You can genuinely tell that Caitlin loves to be at camp every moment she is here. She has worked so hard this summer to plan all of our weekly themes, making new and exciting ones for the campers who come every summer. She has also prioritized risk management for camp, creating EAPs for field trips and being in vehicles in case any emergency happens. She looks out for our counselors and our kids so that no one feels over worked or left out. She has made such a positive impact on camp and our operations just in the month she has served as head counselor.” – Abby Harvey (Competitive Sports Coordinator)

Year/Major: 4th Year Computer Science Major
Position: Building Supervisor
Clifton Strengths: 1. Learner 2. Intellection 3. Restorative 4. Achiever, and 5. Deliberative
How long have you worked at the CRC?
2.5 years
What is your favorite about working at CRC?
My favorite part of working at the CRC is all the friends I have made while working here. I enjoy spending time with the people I’ve met here, and it’s always a fun time when I come into work. My favorite memories are when my coworkers and I plan events and compete with each other at various games and activities such as the big soccer game.
What your supervisor has to say about you?
“Nyshad is someone who we can rely on to do anything. He works incredibly hard while he is at the CRC and he goes above and beyond to make everyone feel welcomed. He also was working out during the power outage earlier this month, not even on the clock, but decided to stay and help out the team that was working. He assisted in escorting all the patrons out of the building and helping to call GTPD. He cares about this facility and everyone on our team. We are so lucky to have him.” – Olivia Phillips (Facilities Coordinator)

Year/Major: Industrial Design, Graduating Summer 2023
Position: Level 1 Personal Trainer
Clifton Strengths: 1. Ideation 2. Command 3. Relator 4. Restorative, and 5. Activator
How long have you worked at the CRC?
2.5 years
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
My favorite part of working at the CRC is the positive culture surrounding the employees and management staff. My favorite memories from working at the CRC are those where I am joking around and developing friendships with my training clients.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“Noah goes above and beyond his role as a trainer to help patrons on the fitness floor and serves all of his training clients well. He has a positive attitude and a true drive to help others and share his passion and knowledge of fitness. Noah has been such a positive addition to the personal training team. He constantly picks up new clients and helps them reach their fitness goals. His clients have shared nothing but positive feedback on their experiences with him and he has a true desire to help people.”-Stephanie Belcher (Fitness Coordinator)

Year/Major: Aerospace Engineering, 4th year
Position: Intramural Supervisor
Clifton Strengths: 1. Belief 2. Responsibility 3. Relator 4. Includer, and 5. Maximizer
How long have you worked at the CRC?
3 years, 4 months
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
My favorite part of working at the CRC is getting to know and converse with many students across campus outside of the classroom. There are so many times where I will be put into project groups or class chats and I’ll get a DM from someone saying something like “Hey I know the intramural guy – Do you want to be in my group/work together on…” It is nice to know and feel that aside from working as any employee, I am also making a positive impact on others or at the very least leaving them with a friendly impression. My favorite memory from work, among many, is getting ready for tip-off in an intramural game with another co-worker on my team and a player from the other yells out loud, “Hey how is this fair, this team has all the refs!” And everyone on both teams and the refs started laughing right at the ball was being put in play.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“As an intramural supervisor, Brennan is always establishing a rapport with both participants and officials and is effective in communicating rules and procedures to them. He has done an excellent job as our Basketball Committee chair of leading rules trainings and answering questions about the sport. Recently, over the last couple of months, Brennan has served as a member of our planning/host committee for the NIRSA Regional Tournament. He helped schedule and train all of our student staff working the event, created fun ideas to enhance the player experience including a dunk and skills contest, and was meticulous in ensuring everything was set up and running smoothly during the weekend. He played a key role in the success of our tournament. Brennan showed that he is committed to competitive sports and the CRC by going above and beyond his role, and we are grateful that he is a part of the team!” – Abby Harvey, Competitive Sports Coordinator

Year/Major: Biology, 4th year
Position: Member Services Specialist
Clifton Strengths: 1. Empathy 2. Learner 3. Significance 4. Individualization, and 5. Maximizer
How long have you worked at the CRC?
6 months
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
I love getting to meet new people and learn the names of regulars – it makes me happy to see them smile when I tell them hello by the name. One of my favorite memories was complimenting a patron on a sweatshirt they were wearing of a band I liked and finding out we went to the same concert. They now come up to the desk and talk with me every time I’m working.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
Sarah is a tremendous employee! She is someone who I can rely on to do any task and respond quickly and with great positivity. This semester Sarah was promoted to the Specialist role and has taken on the new responsibility very easily (quick learner). She is a familiar face in the building because she works so often and helps pick up extra shifts to help her coworkers out. – Priscilla Gaona, Member Services Coordinator

Year/Major: Biomedical Engineering, 3rd year
Position: Special Operations Supervisor/Manager
Clifton Strengths: 1. Restorative 2. Deliberative 3. Competition 4. Futuristic, and 5. Achiever
How long have you worked at the CRC?
2.5 years
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
I like how every day I do something different, which can range from drilling holes in walls to taking machines on the fitness floor completely apart.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“I have to tell you that Alexis has thoroughly and completely exceeded my expectations. Alexis has done a truly exceptional job learning and adapting to her new role. She’s completely self-motivated; she literally just comes in for her shifts, checks on her work orders and gets start working on things.” – Eli Ekstedt, Facilities Technician

Year/Major: Aerospace Engineering, 2nd year
Position: Facility Manager
Clifton Strengths: 1. Competition 2. Achiever 3. Focus 4. Deliberative, and 5. Futuristic
How long have you worked at the CRC? 8 months
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC? My favorite part about working at the CRC is the people I work with. In the short time that I have worked here, I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many people, each with their own unique stories, personalities, and perspectives. Being around such a dynamic group of people is always fun and motivates me to put forth my best effort at the CRC. My favorite memory would have to be when me and my coworkers got the opportunity to jump off the 10-meter diving board during maintenance week this past summer!
What your supervisor has to say about you: “Russell has gone above and beyond throughout his time at the CRC. He is always caught organizing, cleaning, and making sure that everything is running smoothly. He helped Fred develop the custodial visual inspection sheet through Smartsheets and handled doing our key inventory for the whole facilities area. Also, throughout the semester, Russell has co-led or led every single New Hire Training for the facilities department and has made an impact with each employee. He is always there if we need something done and takes initiative on any kind of project. I wish I had 100 of him!” – Olivia Phillips, Facilities Coordinator

Year/Major: Aerospace Engineering, 5th year
Position: Aquatics Supervisor
Clifton Strengths: 1. Achiever 2. Harmony 3. Input 4. Maximizer, and 5. Consistency
How long have you worked at the CRC? 4 years
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC? My favorite part about working at the CRC is being surrounded by a great group of people that are dedicated and fun to be around. I have a lot of good memories from working in aquatics, but my favorite has to be being able to watch the incredible swimmers in person at the 2019 US Open such as Katie Ledecky and Caleb Dressel.
What your supervisor has to say about you: “Rachel Doring exemplifies what it means to be an employee of the CRC: dedication, professionalism, and commitment. She has been a lifeguard with the CRC since Spring 2019 and has continued to be a shining light for the Aquatics staff. Rachel is a role model to all of the lifeguard staff as one of the most experienced supervisors, all while being cool under pressure AND graduating with a degree in Aerospace Engineering in the process. She has been here for nearly every grand scale event that GT Aquatics has hosted, from US Open 2019 to NCAA Championships 2022. During a routine shift and coinciding lifeguard guard class, an emergency occurred in Aquatics, and Rachel diligently led all of the lifeguard candidates, patrons, and guests outside to safety while communicating with the rest of the staff to ensure everyone’s safety. She reorganized the events schedule that day to accommodate for two birthday parties so that everyone would be able to have a blast with the time crunch that occurred. Only experienced and composed veterans are able to pull that off!” – Laura Liz Bryan, Aquatics Coordinator-Staff Development

Year/Major: Computer Science, 3rd Year
Position: Intramural Supervisor
Clifton Strengths: 1. Woo, 2. Competition, 3. Activator, 4. Command, and 5. Self-Assurance
How long have you worked at the CRC? Since Feb 2021 so 1.5yrs
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
I love all the friends I’ve made both my coworkers and all the IM players. I love meeting people from all across campus through intramurals. My favorite memory was refereeing my first Flag Football game and the teams that were playing were a team of supervisors and Darrin. I knew the least about the sport on the field but they were so nice and it was a really funny experience.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“Gillian has gone above and beyond to lead the flag football committee for comp sports. This is the first major sport we offer in the school year and it sets the tone for the rest of the year. Gillian has elevated trainings, provided more resources for officials and is a positive leader both as a supervisor and official. Gillian has a demeanor that people want to be around, she is inviting while still challenging our officials to improve. With her influence more officials are attending trainings and training frequency has gone up to continue to develop officials. Intramural customer service is all about how well officiated a game is, and Gillian has done nothing but raise our standards on officiating both as a supervisor and an official. She is a model employee and an integral leader to Competitive Sports.” – Abby Harvey, Competitive Sports Coordinator

Year/Major: Aerospace Engineering, 3rd Year
Position: Wilderness Outpost Manager
Clifton Strengths: 1. Context, 2. Input, 3. Learner, 4. Intellection, and 5. Restorative
How long have you worked at the CRC? Since Summer 2018.
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
My favorite part of working at the Outpost is meeting all of the different and varied people curious about jumping into the outdoors. I don’t really have a favorite memory to be honest.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“Simply put, Max is a rockstar. His commitment to Outdoor Recreation ensures that experiences provided for students are better-organized, better-equipped, and communications are managed effectively. Some examples of his effectiveness: When I needed a right-hand person to help orchestrate checking out gear to 52 different people, on a Saturday, during the busiest expedition weekend of the year, Max stepped up and handled the situation with ease. Whenever I approach the Outpost desk with a list of tasks for the staff to accomplish that week, before I can finish, from somewhere across the room Max will interject, “it’s already done!”. His sense of humor, incredible work ethic, and dependability make him an invaluable part of the Outdoor Recreation team. Whether dealing with a complex trip registration issue that requires troubleshooting, leading an In-Service Training for the Outpost staff on new operating procedures, or managing some of the busiest weeks for equipment rentals in recent memory, Max makes it look easy. His dedication to building staff culture, providing quality experiences for CRC patrons, and commitment to the campus community are hard to match. If I haven’t said it already, the CRC is lucky to have him as a staff member, role model, and leader!” – Tyler Joing, Expeditions & Adventures Coordinator

Year/Major: Biology, 4th year
Position: Member Services Student Manager
Clifton Strengths: 1. Restorative, 2. Developer, 3. Individualization, 4. Arranger, and 5. Relator
How long have you worked at the CRC? Since Summer 2018
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
My favorite part of working at the CRC is being able to interact with the patrons and help them with any tasks they may need. It always makes my day to know I helped someone. My favorite memory of working was when a GT alumni called to ask about the bus routes for the 9/17 football game. Even though I had no idea about the bus routes, I helped as best I could and gave him the number for GT PTS, and this eventually turned into a conversation about his time here at Tech and the interesting people he’s met in the GT community. It was a very enjoyable conversation during a stressful week of exams, so it really made me happy.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“Kyra is so positive and helpful to everyone that enters the doors of the CRC – both members and coworkers alike. She provides great customer service, is calm in risk management situations, and a tremendous team player. Kyra is very knowledgeable and even if she is not working, is one of the first to step in and help a coworker find an answer or teach them how to do a sale. She was also recognized by another staff member for her professionalism and calm nature during a first aid situation. But what Kyra is most known for is helping – she is almost always the first one to take a shift when someone else needs help and hardly ever says no.” – Priscilla Gaona, Member Services Coordinator

Year/Major: Mechanical Engineering, 6th year
Position: Leadership Challenge Course & Outpost Student Manager
Clifton Strengths: 1. Arranger, 2. Deliberative, 3. Analytical, 4. Relator, and 5. Achiever
How long have you worked at the CRC? Since Summer 2018
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
My favorite part of working at the CRC is getting to impact people’s lives in a positive way through my work at the Leadership Challenge course. Getting to help students and corporate employees alike grow in their interpersonal skills and become closer as a team is an extremely rewarding experience.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“In eleven years as assistant director of outdoor recreation, I have not worked with a more committed, more professional, or more pleasant CRC employee or ORGT volunteer than Bailey Martin. As an employee, he is very well-informed about operating procedures. He’s adept at explaining them in easy-to-understand terms, too. Students and staff turn to him with questions frequently. In nearly every case, he is can reel off the correct answer immediately. In the few when he cannot, he has never left a customer at a dead-end or empty-handed. He makes it a point to research answers when he isn’t sure and report back to the customer with the answer. He is exceedingly conscientious. As it should, a student’s life on campus focuses on academics. At a rigorous institution like Georgia Tech, it becomes easy to take a casual attitude towards student employment in deference to burying oneself in studies. Never once have I seen Bailey’s work responsibilities take a back seat to his role with the CRC. Whether facilitating challenge course groups, helping a student plan her own camping adventure, leading a whitewater kayaking trip, or helping to improve the efficiency of systems like reserving gear, he is 100% invested in service to other students. In this period of great transition, he has been indispensable in training staff–both student and professional–in how the Wilderness Outpost and Challenge Course operate. Thanks to Bailey Martin..” – David Knobbe, Assistant Director of Outdoor Recreation
“Baily is consistently serving the student communities in the outdoor recreation area with technical know how, strategic solutions, and a human touch from a student leadership perspective. In addition, he demonstrates a passion for setting up the new Leadership Challenge Course (LCC) pro staff for success by openly and fairly sharing his knowledge and experience. This has allowed the recently reopened LCC to begin the rebuilding process on a strong footing into the future.” – Dale Robinson, Leadership Challenge Course Coordinator

Year/Major: Psychology, 4th year
Position: Aquatics Lifeguard Training Manager
Clifton Strengths: 1. Adaptability, 2. Restorative, 3. Individualization, 4. Developer, and 5. Futuristic
How long have you worked at the CRC? Since September 2018
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
I get to interact with people from all walks of life. I can go from helping a kid who coming in for his first swim practice, to guarding one of the many professors who come in for Rec Swim, to helping an Olympian find the right locker rooms.
What is your favorite memory of working at the CRC?
My favorite memory is from an activity that we did in one of our 2019 in-services. Tahlia and our managers made pieces of paper for all of us to tape on our backs. The goal was to write on as many people’s backs as possible with something you like about them or any great memories with them. I wrote on a lot of people’s backs with some funny memories or little inside jokes, not really expecting a lot of messages on my sheet because I had only been there for a year. When it was over, we got to read all of the messages to us and keep the sheets. Seeing all of the messages that were written to me made me really feel loved where I worked. They were from guards that were there when I started and guards I had just met. I still have that sheet in my room and look at it every day. I haven’t found a place that really makes me feel like I belong other than in Aquatics.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“Effective, Composed and Committed There were countless schedule changes due to the lighting emergency in Aquatics. On a moment’s notice Laura Liz was able to adjust the lifeguard schedule and communicate to all impacted staff. The schedule is not one of Laura Liz’s responsibility but she completed the tasks without any question. During the senior state swim meet Laura Liz stayed hours past the end time of her shift to help with the meet operations. She helped me with touchpads, staffing and pool ops throughout the entire day. She is committed to seeing aquatics succeed and it shows with everything she does.” – Tahlia Pate, Aquatics Operation & Risk Manager

Year/Major: Chemistry, 3rd year
Position: Intramural Supervisor & Tech Wreck Camp Counselor
Clifton Strengths: 1. Context, 2. Deliberative, 3. Intellection, 4. Responsibility, and 5. Consistency
How long have you worked at the CRC? 2 years
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
My favorite part of working at the CRC has been meeting so many fun and amazing people that are hardworking and caring. Being in intramurals also means I get to just play around with those people all the time. I can’t pick a specific favorite memory of being at the CRC, but I love working in intramurals because sports can create so many great moments. Two of my favorite sports are volleyball and basketball, and those playoffs are always fun, exciting, and intense, so I’ve definitely made a few great memories participating in those events.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“David truly cares about “intramurals. It isn’t hard to see that at all. He has really gone above and beyond for the program. He came to us several times outside of meetings to give recommendations or tell us about problems because they needed to be fixed for the next night. He sees the program bigger picture rather than just game by game and it really helps him excel in his role. David also took the lead on volleyball training so far this semester and has absolutely been rocking it. It’s my favorite sport of ours and I don’t trust just anyone with it.” – Abby Harvey, Competitive Sports Coordinator

Year/Major: Biology, 3rd year
Position: Wilderness Outpost Manager
Clifton Strengths: 1. Empathy, 2. Relator, 3. Input, 4. Developer, and 5. Adaptability
How long have you worked at the CRC? 2 years
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
My favorite part of working at the CRC is the people I work with. I genuinely enjoy being around everyone on my team, and I always look forward to coming to work. My favorite memory was working over winter break with two of my coworkers last year on some projects to improve our gear rental system and reorganize the ORGT space.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“Isabelle really exemplifies what it means to be part of the welcoming, knowledgeable, and approachable staff on the Wilderness Outpost team. She greets everyone with a warm smile and is constantly working to improve the experience of anyone who interacts with the Outpost, whether that be a gear rental customer, ORGT trip participant, fellow staff member, or ORGT volunteer. Isabelle consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty; coming in early to research ways to better streamline our equipment reservation process, staying late to ensure a rental customer can pick up their gear before the weekend, or offering to help out as a driver when a trip encounters an emergency. She’s currently taking the initiative to improve our incoming staff training model, mapping out projects for winter break to enhance our efficiency and continually raising the bar of what it means to be a part of the CRC and ORGT team.” – Tyler Joing, Expeditions & Adventures Coordinator

Year/Major: Business Administration, 5th year
Position: Intramural Supervisor/Student Coordinator
Clifton Strengths: 1. Harmony, 2. Intellection, 3. Ideation, 4. Relator, and 5. Maximizer
How long have you worked at the CRC? Since October 2017
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
My favorite part is the people, both all of my co-workers and interacting with everyone that plays intramurals. I also like that I am able to stay involved with sports and continue to learn more about the rules and how to get better both as an official and as a supervisor leading trainings. This semester I have been able to work with Darrin and Abby more, and I enjoy how much student input they welcome. This job has encouraged me to continue to officiate in the future, and the skills I’ve learned this semester in the Student Coordinator role can easily be applied in a corporate setting. My favorite memory is always our champ nights. Almost everyone working in Comp Sports will come out to watch, the games are exciting and competitive, and it is an honor to be selected to officiate or supervise a championship game.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“When we offered Ben the official Development Student Coordinator position, he was immediately so excited and eager, as he had really found a passion for teaching the new officials in his previous semesters. He was instrumental in our lead up to the supervisor workshop, planning the bulk of it right alongside Darrin and I. After that he turned right back around and led the Officials welcome back meeting, and all of the flag football trainings. I can’t speak for Darrin but I was really nervous starting the semester one person down, but with Ben being with us I haven’t felt that at all. He picked up exactly where Darrin left off and I think it says a lot that we are functioning as normal right now because of Ben.” -Abby

Year/Major: Architecture, 3rd year
Position: Member Services Student Manager
Clifton Strengths: 1. Achiever, 2. Futuristic, 3. Maximizer, 4. Empathy, and 5. Learner
How long have you worked at the CRC? Since November 2020
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
My favorite part of the job is getting to know our regulars as well as introducing new people to all we have to offer at the CRC. I always love talking to the prospective students and their parents who come to visit, and I love how amazed they always are when they find out we have two pools!
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“Katie has stepped up since the start of summer, being thrown into a Student Manager position. She had a few shadow shifts, but for the most part had to learn everything on her own – with few questions – and has done so successfully! In that, she has been Effective and Committed to the job. She is also very composed and remains calm in any situation (and finds way to solve problems when they do arise). Recently, we have been short on staff, and she stepped up to take shifts or work longer shift to ensure the desk had coverage. In general, I can always count on her to be willing to help with whatever I ask of her!” – Priscilla Gaona, Member Services Coordinator

Year/Major: Biomedical Engineering, 4th year
Position: Office Manager with Comp Sports & Head Counselor with Tech Wreck Summer Camp
Clifton Strengths: 1. Empathy, 2. Adaptability, 3. Developer, 4. Positivty, and 5. Activator
How long have you worked at the CRC? 3 years
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
I started working at the CRC on a whim, applying for a position as a camp counselor between studying for finals in my freshman year. I loved my time with Tech Wreck and Comp Sports so much, that I found myself working in the Comp Sports Office the following fall, as well as becoming a referee, score keeper, and amateur sports photographer for them. I was charmed by the amazing people that I met in our little corner of the CRC and decided to make it my home. I love summer camp with all my heart, but the people in Comp Sports are truly my favorite part of working at the CRC. I met and am continuously meeting more fun, driven people who love their jobs and make coming to work truly enjoyable. The friendly environment at Comp Sports is curated by the students who also call Comp Sports home and our awesome bosses. I don’t know where I’d be without the support and encouragement of Abby, Darrin, Dan, and all the friends I’ve made in Comp Sports.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“Allie is a rockstar in our area, but as our head camp counselor she really shined. She was able to run the camp singled handedly when both Darrin and I were out for various reasons, and she is the first student I have felt comfortable doing that with. Customer service for camp isn’t just patrons, it’s really about the kids and how they talk to their parents and parents cannot stop raving about Allie. She genuinely cares about the kids and provides a welcoming environment to them each and every week. She is creative in her planning of activities, so it always stays fresh and new for the kids. Most importantly, because of Allie camp was always safe and the kids were always well looked after. Every time a kid got in trouble it was a learning moment between them and Allie and there is no doubt in my mind that she made a huge impact on them.” -Abby Harvey, Competitive Sports Coordinator

Year/Major: Industrial Design, 3rd year
Position: Fitness Attendant
Clifton Strengths: 1. Positivity, 2. Adaptability, 3. Restorative, 4. Woo, and 5. Developer
How long have you worked at the CRC? Since August 2020
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
I really love the people here. My coworkers and most of the patrons are always amazing to talk to. To hear new perspectives, interesting stories, and constructive feedback from regulars about how we can improve the fitness floor is incredible. There is never a day I go without learning here.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“Noah has been fantastic with the transition to Facilities. He is constantly giving feedback on improving processes and helping design training for the newly hired combined staff. He is a constant ball of positive energy and a joy to be around.” – Luke Mozena
“Noah has been instrumental in the transition of Fitness Attendants to the Facilities’ team. He is working with both the Fitness and Facilities supervisor to ensure everyone is trained properly. He is also helping with the Fitness Floor transition post COVID restrictions.” – Elisha Smith, Assistant Director of Fitness

Year/Major: Material Science & Engineering, 5th year
Position: Competitive Sports Student Manager, Intramural Supervisor, & Camp Counselor
Clifton Strengths: 1. Developer, 2. Relator, 3. Restorative, 4. Harmony, and 5. Adaptability
How long have you worked at the CRC? Since Fall 2018
What is your favorite memory of working at the CRC?
The convenience and paycheck are nice, but what kept me here is the people. All of my most memorable moments during my 3+ years here have come from genuine, organic interaction with my beloved coworkers in Comp Sports. We get the job done and we have fun doing it. It’s incredible how much of a cohesive unit we’ve become, and all the friendships that developed while being part of this community are ones I’m sure I’ll take with me even beyond GT.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“Zariah has really stepped up for Competitive Sports this semester with Dan filling the Interim Associate Director role and with Abby and my roles expanding. She has taken over scheduling intramural official shifts and ensuring that all staff submit their negative COVID test results weekly. Without Zariah’s hard work and commitment this semester, Comp Sports would not be as high functioning as it is. I believe she has earned and is definitely deserving of the WE R CRC Employee of the Month recognition.” – Darrin Wolfe, Interim Assistant Director of Competitive Sports

Year/Major: Aerospace Engineering, 3rd year
Position: Wilderness Outpost Manager
Clifton Strengths: 1. Command, 2. Achiever, 3. Competition, 4. Significance, and 5. Self-Assurance
How long have you worked at the CRC? 2 years
What is your favorite memory of working at the CRC?
My favorite part of working at the CRC is the awesome relationships I’ve built – not just my with my fellow students, but also with the amazing professional staff. The random side conversations and goofy adventures I’ve had with everyone make up some of my favorite CRC memories.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“On a daily basis, Sam brings his “A-game” to his role with the CRC. Sam is a consistently positive influence throughout ORGT. His work ethic is unparalleled; he is a hard worker; he motivates others through his enthusiasm and his commitment to the mission of the CRC and ORGT. Sam believes in what the CRC & ORGT represent and inspires others to do the same. He is committed to creating opportunities for other students. He seeks “problems” and then solves them. He is always on the lookout for ways to enhance his contribution.” – David Knobbe, Assistant Director of Outdoor Recreation

Year/Major: Aerospace Engineer, 6th year
Position: Fitness Supervisor
Clifton Strengths: 1. Restorative 2. Connectedness 3. Input 4. Belief, and 5. Consistency
How long have you worked at the CRC? 2 years
What is your favorite part of working at the CRC?
One of my favorite things to do as Supervisor, is testing my team on their CPR/first aid knowledge by doing red-shirt drills. I like to see how they would react whenever a situation like this may happen.
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“Nam has stepped up since the winter break in making sure we have coverage for the fitness floor and helping the Building Supervisors when needed. Much of this he has not even told me about – I found out through talking with Luke and other staff. Nam even covered for one of the other Fitness Supervisors during the winter break. He did not bother me since I was out on vacation. He just came in to fill the holes. He has continued to lead the Fitness Attendants throughout the spring semester.” – Elisha Quillen Smith, Assistant Director of Fitness

Year/Major: Literature, Media, and Communication, 4th year
Position: Marketing Assistant
How long have you worked at the CRC? Since August 2020, about 7 months.
What is your favorite memory of working at the CRC?
I love doing social media coverage at our events. One of my first days working for the CRC was at RecFest 2020. Although it was a little different this year, I still loved getting to connect with all the new students and competitive sports teams and interacting with campus community, both in-person and virtually!
What your supervisor has to say about you:
“Maddie is a crucial part of the CRC marketing team given where that team is in current times. She is constantly thinking of creative ways to engage our members and campus community through social media. While a lot of our campus community isn’t physically coming into the CRC, she’s finding ways to still get information and engage through social media. She has passed all expectations I’ve had, and I am very confident in her abilities to where I just give her a list of what we need, and she goes above and beyond in delivery.” – Kelli Rockwell, Assistant Director of Member Services & Staff Development