Are you ready to step up to the challenge and discover the leader within? The Georgia Tech Leadership Challenge Course provides an opportunity to bridge leadership theory and leadership practice through physical activity. By working in small groups with an experienced facilitator, participants can tackle multiple assignments and challenges, which allow participants to exhibit leadership skills and receive swift feedback on their progress.
LCC Checklist
Before you go make sure that:
- You have signed the waiver form.
- You are wearing the proper clothing.
- You weigh less than 500 lb.
- You weigh less than 300 lb if you are planning to use the Zip Line.
- You are at least 13 years old.
- You are physically able to fit into the safety harness (waist less than 54 inches).
- You are able to physically ascend a rope ladder up to 40 feet in the air. At this time, there are no other alternative access points to the high course. It is approximately as challenging as climbing a standard ladder four stories high.
- You are physically able to travel under their own power on a small diameter cable (approx. 1 inch wide). This could be thought of as “walking a tight rope” but with aids for balance. You’ll need to be to shift your weight around often.
- You are physically able to reach unassisted to a minimum height of 6 ft. to access safety tether lines with their hands.
- You are physically able to see (corrected or uncorrected vision) your surroundings and have a depth perception of at least 5 feet.
- You must be able to understand safety information given verbally by our staff in English
*No one under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or impairing legal drugs shall participate.