Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Check-in: Begins at 6:00 a.m. at the CRC.
Race Start: 7:00 a.m. in front of the CRC on Ferst Drive.
Course Details: The race will follow the Pi Mile course on campus (slightly altered due to construction). This year the course will have official race course chip timing.
Please Note: GTPD will manage partial road closures. Please follow the directions of GTPD and course volunteers.
- Registration is now open here!
- Cost: $25 for GT students; $35 for non-students
- Event T-shirt: Guaranteed event T-shirt (sizes not guaranteed)
- T-shirt Pick Up: Participants who complete the 5k race can pick up their event T-shirt upon completion of the race.
Eligibility: Georgia Tech Students, faculty, staff, and alumni members are welcome to participate in this event. Race day is limited to 300 participants.
Refund Policy:
Special Events are events hosted by Georgia Tech Campus Recreation including Halloween Holla 5k, Pi Day 5k, and the GT Fitness Challenge.
- Refunds will not be provided unless there is a medical exception.
For more information on Georgia Tech’s Campus Recreation Refund policy, please click the link here.
Top Finishers: Awards will be given to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place man, woman, and open gender finishers overall. To be eligible for these prizes, participants must be in the first wave.
Campus Recreation is happy to collaborate with the following campus partners in bringing this year’s Pi Day 5k event:
Race Results
Top Man 2024
1st Place | Wilson Fisher | 16:11 |
2nd Place | Baptiste Andre | 16:31 |
3rd Place | Edgar Gebhardt | 16:39 |
Top Woman 2024
1st Place | Hannah Moore | 18:57 |
2nd Place | Anjali Smith | 19:10 |
3rd Place | Eleanor Tracy | 19:43 |
Congratulations to all of our participants!
This event will follow CDC, state, and local safety guidelines. Additionally, the CRC will have these guidelines in place:
- Directional signage will be on the 5k Pi-Mile course.
- There will not be any road closures along the course. All pedestrian laws must be followed. Watch out for traffic, especially if they have the right of way.
- Water will be available at the CRC. Hydration will not be available on the course.
We would like to stress the importance of caring for yourself and our community by taking preventative measures to limit the spread of illness – wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your face, cover your cough, and avoid exposure to people who are sick. We would like to also reiterate the message to stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of any illness including the common cold, flu, or cough.