Georgia Tech’s Campus Recreation Center (CRC) policies are designed for the protection of facilities users, attendees, visitors, employees, and facilities (Participants). The staff and Participants of the CRC appreciate your cooperation in making our facilities a friendly and positive environment for recreational and social opportunities. Individuals using the CRC are expected to be courteous to other facility users and employees and to follow the rules, polices, and safety instructions outlined by the CRC. Participants who engage in behavior or actions that might damage equipment or facilities, or pose a threat to the safety and well-being of themselves or others may lose privileges. The following are general rules that may be applied to any facility or program participant:

  • Participants must adhere to the rules and guidelines set forth by the CRC: Campus Recreation Code of Conduct
  • Participants must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct as applicable.
  • Participants must observe all posted signs and verbal directions provided by CRC staff.
  • Participants may not interfere with employee duties, use obscene language, or engage in verbal or physical abuse of employees or other participants.
  • Use of drug, alcohol, and tobacco products are not permitted at CRC facilities or program venues. Attendees or participants identified as impaired will be removed from CRC facilities or program activities and may be referred to Georgia Tech Police Department, the Office of Student Integrity, and/or Georgia Tech Human Resources (GTHR).
  • Threats of physical abuse, intimidation, coercion, retaliation or conduct which threatens the safety and well-being of others is prohibited.
  • Participants must not abuse or misuse equipment or facilities, subject to the discretion of the CRC staff based on use of equipment safety standards.
  • Participants must not physically interfere with the use of the facility and/or equipment by others using the CRC.
  • Acts committed that result in or that may reasonably result in injuries or harm to any person are prohibited.

CRC staff reserves the right to ask Participants to leave and deny facility/program access for violations of any rules and/or guidelines of the CRC. After a rule or guideline violation, the CRC may require Participants to meet with CRC staff prior to further facility access or program participation. At the conclusion of the meeting, the individual will receive written notification of any applicable suspension. Staff may also refer students to the Office of Student Integrity and employees to GTHR for further investigation and response. Georgia Tech Police Department may also be notified depending on the severity of the behavior or incident.


  • To use the Campus Recreation Complex, you must be a current member and possess a valid BuzzCard. Please refer to the full Campus Recreation BuzzCard Policy for more information.
  • Guest passes are required for non-members wanting to use the facility. A current member may sponsor up to two guests per day and can purchase at the Member Services desk. The member must stay with the guest(s) at all times. Guests must present a government-issued photo-id to purchase a pass. *Only Primary Members can bring in guests.
  • Persons age 18 or older who produce proof of current membership in a FINA/International Triathlon Union National Governing Body (e.g. USA Swimming or USA Triathlon) may purchase a daily pass to use the CRC.
  • All minors, 17 years or younger, must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian that is a current member at all times. There is no charge for bringing minors ages 0-13 into the building, as long as the minor is from the same immediate family as the member. For minors ages 14-17, unless they are a child member of their immediate family, they can only be brought in on a guest pass ($10).
  • All minors, 17 years or younger, are not permitted on the fitness floor and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times.
  • The CRC is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please be certain that your belongings are locked up while you use the facility to ensure safety. You can purchase a lock at member services for day lockers. Please lock all items in day lockers, if you have not rented a CRC locker.
  • Members who forget their BuzzCard must stop by the Access Desk at the CRC. CRC staff may permit access 2 times per semester by looking up the member to verify identity. On the third and subsequent visits without their BuzzCard, the member must pay the appropriate forgotten ID fee to access the facility at Member Services.
  • If asked to display the GT BuzzCard by any CRC staff member, CRC users must comply.
Fitness Center
  • All individuals exercise at their own risk. No person under the age of 18 may be in the Fitness Center. A physical performed by your family physician is recommended for those individuals who meet two or more of the following criteria: men over 45/Women over 55 years of age, diagnosed hypertension, blood pressure of 140/90, total cholesterol greater than 200mg/dl, or HDL of 35 mg/dl or lower, smoke cigarettes, impaired fasting glucose, obesity, a family history of heart disease or a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Stop your workout and seek help immediately if you experience any injury including light-headedness, dizziness, nausea, or any other discomfort.
  • Proper training attire (specifically, athletic attire and shoes) must be worn at all times. Shirts must cover the midsection at all times. We consider an athletic shoe to include a sole, have all the toes enclosed together, and secure to the foot via laces or Velcro. The following is a list of attire strictly prohibited: a. Open-toed shoe b. Toe shoes/five-finger shoes, boat shoes, Crocs, canvas, and “Toms” type shoes c. Flip flops d. Dress shoes e. Boots f. Khaki material pants g. Swim trunks/board shorts h. Jeans i. Pants with zippers j. Pants with pockets/cargo pants k. Pants with rivets.
  • No chewing gum, tobacco products (including e-cigarettes), open drinks, or food allowed. Beverages are only permitted if contained in a plastic sports bottle with a secured top (NO cups or glassware).
  • We recommend using “Spotters” when excessive weight is lifted over the body. Fitness attendants are available to assist.
  • Slamming or dropping weight stacks, plates, or dumbbells is prohibited. Always maintain control while exercising.
  • Users must return dumbbells/bars/weights to their appropriate storage racks when finished. Never rest any weights against walls, on the floor, or on top of benches.
  • Exercises that are deemed unsafe by CRC staff are prohibited. This includes any inverted exercise, exercises that result in going above/on top of equipment, break dancing, cartwheels, and other gymnastics moves in their entirety.
  • Exercise equipment should be used for its intended purpose. No modifications can be made to exercise equipment. For example, propping benches on top of other exercise equipment and wedging barbells in a corner is strictly prohibited.
  • Outside equipment is prohibited.
  • All specialized equipment must be used with a CRC Personal Trainer. This includes but is not limited to: TRX, Kettlebells, and Altitude Masks.
  • Weight collars are required on all barbells.
  • No chalk, chains, or Olympic lifting/momentum lifts allowed. We are a recreation facility, not an athletic or Olympic lifting facility.
  • All policies stated above and below apply to SYNRGY at all times. Resistance bands checked out from Main Issue 1 must be used within SYNRGY and not on other equipment. The plyo-step is not to go above level 6 without the supervision of a CRC Personal Trainer.
  • Report any facility/equipment irregularity including damaged or broken equipment to the Fitness Attendant or Building Supervisor.
  • Respect for equipment, facility, staff, and other patrons must be demonstrated at all times (ex. – no cursing, yelling, loud and/or excessive cell phone use). Inappropriate behavior will result in expulsion and/or loss of additional recreational privileges.
  • Book bags, workout bags, purses, pocketbooks, laptop cases, and books are to be secured in a day-use locker (must provide own lock) or on the hooks provided. CRC is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. No bags are allowed on the floor or on a person while in the Fitness Center. This includes the area in front of the racquetball/squash courts and on or under any benches.
  • Users are responsible for wiping sweat off of the equipment. Each user may bring his/her own towel, retrieve a workout towel from Main Issue 1, or use the gym wipes provided to wipe down equipment located in the workout area.
  • Fitness Attendant staff will provide general equipment inquires only. See the personal training staff for fitness assessment, exercise prescriptions, and personal training.
  • No outside personal training/exercise instruction is allowed. Only a qualified/certified CRC personal trainer may perform personal training. Providing these services may result in dismissal from the CRC and loss of membership.
Raquetball/Wallyball/Squash Courts
  • Courts can be reserved one at a time, up to 48 hours in advance for one hour (on the hour).
  • You must claim your reserved court within 15 minutes of your hour reservation. Once the 15 minutes have passed, anyone may check out equipment and use the reserved court.
  • Please inspect all equipment during check out.
  • Only courts #1-4 are used for racquetball and wallyball. Court #5 is for squash play ONLY.
  • Wrist straps must be worn at all times.
  • Protective eyewear is strongly recommended (Intramural Racquetball requires protective eyewear).
  • Appropriate footwear must be worn.
  • If you choose not to abide by these guidelines, you will be asked to exit the courts.
Indoor Track
  • No wheels of any kind on the track.
  • Follow the directional signs as posted on the track.
  • Slower traffic should stay in the inside lanes.
Auxiliary Gym
  • The Auxiliary Gym can be used during free times by anyone for any activity.
  • The court is first come first serve and can be occupied by a group for a one-hour time limit.
  • This is the only area used for skating in the CRC, as well as providing a space for hockey, soccer, dodgeball, and handball.
Roe Stamps Recreation Field
  • No tobacco products.
  • No gum.
  • No metal-spiked shoes at any time.
  • No bicycles, skates, rollerblades, or skateboards.
  • No glass products.
  • No animals are allowed on the field.

This field is for Georgia Tech students, faculty, and staff. All others without a permit will be asked to leave. In the case of an emergency please contact the Georgia Tech Police at 404-894-2500. For information regarding the rental of this field, please call 404-385-7529.

Sport Safety Policy

The safety of all users of the CRC facility is a priority of the CRC. To increase the safety of those participating in organized sports, both internal and external to the CRC/Georgia Tech, additional medical precautions will be implemented.

Sports have been categorized into three different classifications: Collision, Contact, and Non-Contact

  • Collision Sport is defined as a sport in which the athletes purposefully hit or collide with each other or inanimate objects, including the ground, with force. Collision Sports are required to provide at minimum 1 Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) for every 3 courts/fields of play during all event hours.
  • Contact Sport is defined as a sport in which athletes routinely make contact with each other or inanimate objects but usually with less force than in collision sports and excessive force or contact can be penalized. Contact Sports are required to provide at minimum 1 Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) for every 4 courts/fields of play during all event hours.
  • Non-Contact Sport is defined as a sport in which contact with other athletes or with inanimate objects is infrequent or inadvertent. Non-Contact Sports are required to provide at minimum 1 designated First Aid responder during all event hours.

**Certain activities may be subject to additional requirements at the discretion of the CRC or Georgia Tech Risk Management personnel.

CRC Photography Policy

Recording for commercial use (including still photography, video, and audio) must have the prior approval of the Campus Services communications manager. Personal recording devices including but not limited to cell phones, tablets, cameras, video recorders, computers, and other similar devices shall not be used to record photography, video, or audio that includes identifiable individuals in the recording unless prior consent has been obtained. Any recording that interferes with the daily operation of the CRC facility and employees is prohibited. Photography/videography of minors (anyone under the ages of 18) requires the consent of a parent or guardian. Special events which are not hosted by the CRC may differ from this policy per instruction of the event host(s) to their guests. The event host is responsible for adopting policies and procedures for the safety of minors present for the event.

Covert Filming Policy

All individuals are prohibited from the use of any recording devices, including, but not limited to, cell phones, tablets, cameras, voice recorders, computers, and other similar electronic devices within privacy areas (locker rooms, changing rooms, bathrooms, etc). As part of this policy, members will not be allowed to use their cell phones in these privacy spaces even to check email or place a phone call. Devices should be properly holstered or stored and not used while in Privacy Areas. Please ensure that cell phone use is limited to non-privacy areas. CRC staff members will continue to monitor privacy areas as standard.

Aquatic Event Schedule of Additional Fees

To view the full event schedule of additional fees, please click here.

Refund Policy

To view the full Campus Recreation refund policy, click here.